Take advantage of the special offers below and get even more value from your next visit. After all, your local Volkswagen dealership is home to top-quality Genuine VW Service and Parts. Trust the expertise of their VW Certified Technicians and get the savings you deserve. It all makes for an exceptional dealership experience.
Fall Service Special
– VW Synthetic Oil and Filter Change (up to 5 quarts)
– Rotate tires, correct tire pressure, and check for wear
– Check brake system, all fluid levels, condition of wiper blades, and microfilter (if applicable)
– Check and tighten all belts and hoses
1Must present offer at time of write-up. Discount applied before taxes. May not be combined with other offers. Limit one per customer. Not redeemable for advertised specials, previous purchases, or cash. Offer expires 10.31.21. Valid at a participating Volkswagen dealership only. See participating dealer for complete details.